The Daubenton's bat is a small to medium sized bat that has noticeably large feet with bristles. It is often seen hunting along bodies of water just above the water surface.
Forest and watery lowlands, males up to high altitudes. Foraging over smaller ponds, calm water surfaces of rivers, more rarely on rapids, also over meadows, along forest aisles and paths.
Buildings, tunnels, bridges, tree cavities, nest boxes. Usually located in forests within 3 km of water bodies. Roosts are changed frequently. Nursery colony associations of up to 150 individuals. Hibernating from September/October to March/April in underground tunnels, caves, cellars, wells, rock crevices or rubble with high humidity.
Mating August to October. Young born in second half of June. Capable of flight after 25 days. Probably become sexually mature in the year of birth.
- Head-torso length: 42 - 54 mm. - Forearm length: 35 - 41 mm - Wingspan 230 - 280 mm
8-15 g
Dense, short coat, dark gray at base. Upper side / hair tips grayish, underside grayish white. Face flesh colored to reddish brown.
- Short - Are laid to the side at right angles when disturbed. - Tragus about half as long as ear, slightly blunted above.
Quick, agile. Whirring wing beat. Circles directly over water surfaces, while pond bats tend to fly in a straight line. Preys in flight on small crepuscular and nocturnal insects over water with tail flight skin or feet.
Nearly linear frequency modulation with start frequencies of 55 - 95 kHz and end frequencies at 25 - 40 kHz. Main frequency at 40 - 47 kHz, but difficult to detect due to strong modulation. Relatively regular calls in contrast to the more irregular and lower calling pond bats, overlapping with their calls however from 38 - 41 kHz. Calls easily confused with Fringed and Greater and Lesser Bearded Bats.
Regional population declines detectable, affected by tree cutting and house rehabilitation. IUCN (2020): Least Concern Red List of Germany (2020): Least Concern